Monday, September 21, 2015

Entry #6: Millenials

  The millennials are the generation of the people who were born any time between 1980 and 2000, also known as generation Y, it is also the largest generation in history. The millennials are the most judged and negatively viewed generation thus far.The older public thinks this generation is ruining everything, they also see the Millennials as lazy. But viewing all economical and social aspects, this generation is doing extremely great.
   The millennials grew up in a time of turbulent change. All the technology this generation is said to be "addicted" to is thought to diminish their social skills. But this generation is one of the most socially active. According to government studies in the U.S  teenagers today are more involved in their communities, they think that contributing to society is very important unlike generation before. Millennials also have closer relationships than previous generations did with their family and peers.
  Being healthy is something that the millennial generation takes seriously. People like to say that they are lazy but really the millennials exercise more and are overall more active than the generations before them. Millennials say they are encouraged to be active by the media and are able to stay active by using apps. This generation is also eating healthier, and smoking less. Smoker rates are actually lower than ever before, many predict that this will be the generation that will end smoking.
   On an economical aspect let's just say this generation will have a huge impact on the economy. The generation is reaching their prime working and spending years. This will put more money in their pockets and spend a large amount. Technological advancements make purchasing items easier, this means more spending and overall a healthier economy.  
   Millennials are not doing as bad as everyone thinks they are. They are choosing to live healthier and more active lives, as well as promoting a healthier economy by spending more. Millennials are american history's largest generation. Not only is technology helping this generation stay healthy it is also helping boost America's overall economy.

1 comment:

  1. Melissa--These new entries are improving, especially 5 and 6. You are working to engage your audience with more analysis and support. Good. Keep working at that. Don't forget the visual support as well.
