Saturday, September 5, 2015

Entry #1: Learning About Blogs

     Jezebel is a blog that can entertain you for hours. It is a feminist blog and is one of many blogs owned by Gawker Media. The stories covered in this blog range from kidnaping stories to a story about google maps for cats. And if you don't fell like reading thats ok because they have  videos.It has taken me longer than it should have to write this because i'm way too distracted by this article on Jezebel. is a cure for boredom, I garentee it.
     While exploring the web and looking at blogs I found a blog that is guaranteed to bore you. A blog called Dog Shaming. It is just countless pictures of dogs with paper signs being shamed. Now don't get me wrong i love dogs, but if i'm gonna go look at dog pictures on the internet show me something cute or funny like a dog riding a bike. I don't want  to see other people's dogs with signs stating what the dog did wrong.
      I was extremely disappointment after looking at the dog shaming blog and I was determined to find a good animal blog. I found this blog called, "Animals Doing People Things" It's not well organized but the material is solid. It has the cutest and funniest animal photos and videos. If you want a good laugh head over to .


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