Thursday, September 17, 2015

Entry #5 : Disney pixars Wall-E could become reality

   In this short clip from the movie Wall-E it shows how people live, and how technology affects them. Although this is an animated movie it bring up a real issue that we deal with today and will possibly become more like it is shown in this movie in the future.
   The video clip begins with a man, who seems to be overweight, video chatting with his friend through a screen and the camera zooms out and shows that the man's friend is sitting right next to him. The camera then zooms out even further and shows that this is normal, every person is overweight, sitting on their own hover chair, and talking to each other through a screen.
   Later on in the clip it shows this man who is trying to dispose of his cup by handing it to a robot, since they don't really do anything by themselves, the robots do everything for the humans. The man falls out of his hover chair and is unable to stand up by himself, he needs help from a robot. It seems that the humans in the year 2805 don't need to walk anymore because they have these chairs that take them everywhere, so this man that is about 30 is unable to get up.
   In the last few second of the clip the robot Wall-E accidently moves a woman's screen away from her face and she is amazed by what is behind the screen. She also seems kind of hesitant when the robot presents himself to her, as if it were weird or uncommon. After that we are shown this area with big pools but there is noone in them, even though there are people there. The people are sitting by the pools on their screens, but they're not really partaking in any activities.
   All the things shown in this movies are norms that we have  today, except less extreme. Technology makes things easier but it is at the same time making us lazy. We do sometimes send someone a text telling them something even though they are near us. And like the people toward the end of the clip that were on their screens by the pool, there are people in our society today who are too distracted by technology and they don't partake in activities because they would rather be on their phone. All of the scenarios as exaggerated as they look could become our reality in a few years if we don't stop excessively using technology. Technology is helpful and fun but we sometimes use it too much, to the point where it can be unhealthy.

1 comment:

  1. I really like what you said about how all the things in this movie are normal to us just less extreme. This movie could one day be an example of what the world may become that is unless we end it, making sure it doesn't happen.
