Monday, September 14, 2015

Entry #3: What is media Doing to Our Brains?

Media has a major effect on our brain and it isn't always good. We are constantly distracted by technology. We are professional multitaskers, we are on our phones listening to music while we check twitter and look at pictures and send someone a text message. Most people see our ability to multitask as a good thing but it really isn't that great. we are so compulsive and easily distracted, because we are used to going from one topic to another so quickly. This is affecting our ability to retain information in long term memory. We have a bright idea or learn something new and before our brain is able to move the new information from short term memory to long term memory we think of something else or move on to a new topic and that idea or piece of information is left in short term memory to be forgotten.

for a better understanding watch this short video

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