Saturday, October 10, 2015

Entry #11: Final Blog Reflection

Blogging has been fun because I got to practice and improve my writing while learning about new topics. I liked how we got specific topics to write about that had to do with what we were going to be learning about and discussing in english class, it kind of got me thinking about the subject before we began to talk about it. It did take me longer to write the blog entries that we had to choose the topic for because i'm very indecisive, that was probably the hardest part of blog writing for me. I think writing blog entries is good because its not hard, and it helps you in class mostly when they are on the same topic as the essay you will be writing about.

Entry #10: Industrial Farms and Animal Abuse

In the industrial food system animals are raised in CAFO’s which stands for confined animal feeding operations. Chickens about 3000,000 of them are put into a small building with little to no room for movement. These animals spend their whole life not knowing what fresh air is, never seeing the sun. CAFO's are also very unsanitary, an example would be the chicken factories. There are dead chickens scattered on the floor as well as feces, you don’t need to be an expert to realize that these are breeding grounds for disease. If that doesn’t sound bad enough the environments these animals are living in are so harsh that only the desperate like immigrants and prisoners are willing to do the job of catching the chicken so they could be sent to the slaughter house. The animals are being fed food that is bad for their health but the companies don't really care because it makes them grow bigger and faster. The cheap animal feed consists of hormones and antibiotics which cause health issues for the animals. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

EC Entry: Thoughts on Food, Inc.

   Food, Inc. is a documentary film about the american food industry particularly about how the government and big industrialized companies work. The movie shows how industrialized agriculture is affecting the health of the earth, animals, and ourselves. It includes footage of real companies taking advantage of animals as well as their workers. We are also given an inside look on the lives of factory farmers who seem to hate their jobs, and a family of four who simply can't afford healthy food.
   There were many things in this film that amazed me. We have so many industrialized food that it has all become normal. We don't have seasons in super markets like the film said. I never really thought about it but we have all kinds of fruit and vegetables all year around, normally vegetation only grows certain times a year with certain weather but science has altered that and made it possible for us to have all fruits and veggies available to us all year around.

Entry #9 Pink Slime

The pink slimy thing there  is meat believe it or not. McDonald's one of the most popular fast food chains in the world used this to make their hamburgers and chicken nuggets. This pink slime consist of  discarded meat that has been grinded. McDonald's has not used this "meat" since 2012 but the only reason was because the public found out and was disgusted. And what amazes me the most is that it's ok for companies to do this here in the U.S, Even other McDonald's in other countries weren't doing this because its not allowed. 
Although McDonald's as well as other companies have said they will no longer use this pink slime some say that the pink slime will make a comeback due to increase in demand of beef. Not only is this pink slime  gross I am now asking myself what elses companies are hiding from consumers. Companies were willing to use and sell this product until the public became aware of it they are probably doing the same with other foods just because its cheaper for them. 

Entry #8: Animal cruelty

   Most of America supports animal cruelty without knowing it. Most of the meat and poultry we buy at stores and bring into our kitchens is produced in factory farms. What is factory farming? Its an industrialized system in which animals are raised using vigorous tactics such as chemicals and hormones. These farms focus on raising large amounts of  animals for profit while spending the least amount of money possible. They do this by keeping many animals in small confined spaces, which results in unhealthy animals and diseases in our food. No living creature should be deprived of seeing the sunlight, breathing fresh air, or living a happy life. We buy products from companies who support this, they profit from the abuse of these helpless animals, it's ok with the government and ok with the consumers as far as the companies are concerned.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Entry #7 The Film Fresh

   The film Fresh is about our food, the food system,  how it has changed over the years, and how it is harming ourselves and the planet; it also addresses why we need to make a change and how. It gives viewers an inside look at both the organic farms and farmers as well as the industrialized farms and "farmers". It tells you the ugly truth about what is really going on in the factory farms. Not only are the animals in factory farms being put in inhumane conditions they are givin chemicals and hormones. We are also shown how many chemicals go into the vegetation in the industrialized settings. Industrial farming is also harming earth due to all the water and air pollution it causes. Industrialized farming was meant to make everything easier and cheaper but it is coming out at a larger cost to our health, the health of the earth, and the abuse the animals go through. On the other organic farming is good for us, the earth, and the animals.
   I personally think everyone should be aware of what is happening to our food before it gets to our kitchen, after all whatever our food consumes is also going into our body. This film really gets you thinking, you see how bad these animals look and how unhealthy they really are if the animal is unhealthy then eating it is also unhealthy. In the film one thing that really astonished me was that in factory farms not even the farmers want to handle the animals because the conditions are so bad and no one want to work there so they have to hire inmates from a nearby prison to work at the factory farm. Another thing i learned from the film was that we don't need industrial farming, we would have enough food for everyone with organic farms and it would also be much healthier. If you have not watched the film I would highly recommend it, it is really interesting to see what is really happening to our food. It is also amazing how beneficial organic farming is to our future, if we don't start to change now industrialized farming will become the only kind of farming.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Entry #6: Millenials

  The millennials are the generation of the people who were born any time between 1980 and 2000, also known as generation Y, it is also the largest generation in history. The millennials are the most judged and negatively viewed generation thus far.The older public thinks this generation is ruining everything, they also see the Millennials as lazy. But viewing all economical and social aspects, this generation is doing extremely great.
   The millennials grew up in a time of turbulent change. All the technology this generation is said to be "addicted" to is thought to diminish their social skills. But this generation is one of the most socially active. According to government studies in the U.S  teenagers today are more involved in their communities, they think that contributing to society is very important unlike generation before. Millennials also have closer relationships than previous generations did with their family and peers.
  Being healthy is something that the millennial generation takes seriously. People like to say that they are lazy but really the millennials exercise more and are overall more active than the generations before them. Millennials say they are encouraged to be active by the media and are able to stay active by using apps. This generation is also eating healthier, and smoking less. Smoker rates are actually lower than ever before, many predict that this will be the generation that will end smoking.
   On an economical aspect let's just say this generation will have a huge impact on the economy. The generation is reaching their prime working and spending years. This will put more money in their pockets and spend a large amount. Technological advancements make purchasing items easier, this means more spending and overall a healthier economy.  
   Millennials are not doing as bad as everyone thinks they are. They are choosing to live healthier and more active lives, as well as promoting a healthier economy by spending more. Millennials are american history's largest generation. Not only is technology helping this generation stay healthy it is also helping boost America's overall economy.