the industrial food system animals are raised in CAFO’s which stands for
confined animal feeding operations. Chickens about 3000,000 of them are put into a small
building with little to no room for movement. These animals spend their whole
life not knowing what fresh air is, never seeing the sun. CAFO's are also very unsanitary, an example would be the
chicken factories. There are dead chickens scattered on the floor as well as
feces, you don’t need to be an expert to realize that these are breeding
grounds for disease. If that doesn’t sound bad enough the environments these
animals are living in are so harsh that only the desperate like immigrants and
prisoners are willing to do the job of catching the chicken so they could be
sent to the slaughter house. The animals are being fed food that is bad for their health but the companies don't really care because it makes them grow bigger and faster. The cheap animal feed consists of hormones and antibiotics which cause health issues for the animals.
Melissa--You have fine topics for your entries, and you bring up some good points, but by now you really should be developing your ideas more completely. You are too brief. You have good visual support. Dig deeper into your analysis, and connect your images to your writing. Edit carefully too.